Kremser rides

In the carriage through the Eisenberg mill valley

Hinweis zu den aktuellen Gegebenheiten Derzeit werden leider keine Kremserfahrten im Eisenberger Mühltal und der Umgebung angeboten. Sollte es zu Änderungen kommen, informieren wir Sie rechtzeitig.

A tradition in the Eisenberg Mühltal are the carriage and Kremser rides.

Enjoy the ride through the contemplative valley from the Kremser carriage.


 - Carriage rides in five different carriages (historical carriages, wedding carriages etc.)
 - Rides in beautiful Kremsers with age- and handicapped-friendly boarding and seats
 - Two- and four-horse wedding carriages, also white carriage available
 - Recreational and trail riding in the countryside
 - Construction and restoration of carriages

New offer

For those who prefer to travel through the Mühltal by Kremser and do not want to spend time in the miniature park, Beate Müller will be happy to accompany you by bicycle from the Robertsmühle to the Pfarrmühle, explaining the individual mills in their original form at stops along the way. Nevertheless, the remaining mills and the entire Mühltal are included in the explanations. This extraordinary tour costs a one-time fee of 60 euros.


Information for Guests

Bath Facilitys

Information of the Museum

Information of Architecture

In the mountain

Treatments and indications

Mobility Offers

Sauna facilitys


Offers and service


Congress facilitys
